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5 Ways in Which Businesses Can Reduce Their Carbon Footprint

Studies have found that only 100 companies have been held responsible for 71% of global carbon emissions – a staggering number that highlights that something needs to change. In this blog you will …

The Top 10 Trending Earth Day Speakers To Hire for 2025

Starting in 1970, Senator Gaylord Nelson founded Earth Day, with the help of Congressman Pete McCloskey and Denis Hayes. After witnessing widespread disregard for the environment, inefficient consumpt…

How Will Artificial Intelligence (AI) Impact Sustainable Business – a Guide to AI in Sustainability

With the threat of climate change looming over our world, we have heard increasing talk of sustainable businesses. But do we know what that means? In this blog we will answer the following questions: …

Top 10 Conservationists for World Wildlife Day 2025

Sustainability continues to be one of the most thought-provoking topics in modern history, with numerous prominent figures raising their voice on behalf of the planet. To celebrate the incredible w…

5 Top Tips for Sustainable Construction & Home Installations in 2025

The construction industry relies on large quantities of raw materials, including man-made and natural products like wood. However, mass production can have a detrimental impact on the planet, making i…

International Day of Women and Girls in Science: Who Are the Top Speakers to Hire in 2025

International Day of Women and Girls in Science is an annual celebration which takes place on the 11th of February. A significant awareness day, it allows us to honour the achievements of many women a…

Top 10 Trends: How Sustainability & ESG Are Changing Businesses

Sustainability and ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) principles are reshaping businesses by driving them to adopt eco-friendly practices, prioritise social responsibility and maintain transparen…

Plastic Free July 2025: 5 Easy Swaps for Your Business

A recent report found that 95% of plastic packaging was single-use, a staggering statistic considering the advancements in sustainable manufacturing. With plastic production continuing to pollute our …

The Official Top 10 Speakers on Circular Economy to Hire in 2025

It is no secret that we need to take action against climate change, and the irreversible damage that is being done to our planet. Sustainability and environmental activists across the globe are findin…

20 Popular Sustainability Influencers to Follow on LinkedIn in 2025

In recent years, impassioned calls for climate action have dominated our television screens and social media feeds. LinkedIn, the popular platform for professionals, has become the go-to for business …

The Official Top Speakers on Sustainable Smart Cities to Hire in 2025

What is a Smart City? A smart city is a location in which traditional services are enhanced and made more efficient through digitalisation, ultimately benefiting and improving the lives of its inhabi…

The Official Best Net Zero Keynote Speakers to Hire in 2025

In recent years, there has been increased onus on preventing further climate change and environmental damage. The term net zero has emerged as a means of tackling climate change, but the question is –…

The 10 Best Inspirational Sustainability Speakers to Hire in 2025 Ranked by Popularity

With the rate of climate change increasing at an alarming rate, more people are ensuring that they are doing all they can to reduce the damage that is being done to our planet. With 75% of people alre…

The Top 15 Keynote Speakers on Sustainable Supply Chain & the Future of Ethical Supply Chain

What is a Supply Chain? A supply chain is a system of converting raw materials and resources into finished products which can then be distributed to consumers. The supply chain of a morning coffee, f…

What is Eco-Anxiety? The Top 10 Experts to Help You Overcome Eco-Anxiety

The threatening reality of climate change continues to endanger the future of the planet, and unfortunately, such a reality is having a negative psychological effect on the health and wellbeing of soc…

The Earthshot Prize 2022: What Is The Earthshot Prize & Who Won?

The Earthshot Prize is awarded annually to five lucky winners, and is a recognition of individuals who have the most ambitious goals for fixing the biggest environmental problems. Read our guide below…

COP27 2022: What Are The Key Takeaways & Top Thought Leaders To Book

From the 6th to the 20th of November 2022, important discussions on the future of our planet took place at COP27, with many heads of state, campaigners and sustainability experts joining forces to dis…

David Attenborough’s Life Through the Decades: From His Wildlife Documentaries to Environmental Advocacy

If you ask someone to name the most influential environmental advocate, they will likely say, David Attenborough! A regular on British screens, the filmmaker has produced countless wildlife documentar…

The World’s Best Experts on Energy Transition in the 21st Century

A pathway toward transforming the world is to invest in sustainable energy. One of the world's most reliable and sustainable methods is energy transition. In the 21st century, it is increasingly impor…

How Can Businesses be Profitable and Environmentally Sustainable?

Environmental sustainability in business continues to be one of the most pressing topics of the 21st century. For many companies, however, one key aspect that holds them back from embracing sustainabl…

Everything You Need to Know About Circular Economies: Definition, Benefits & More

Circular economies may hold the key to a sustainable future. Recycling materials like plastic is no longer enough to tackle climate change, as the greenhouse gasses released during the production proc…

The Rise of Greta Thunberg: The Environmental Activist Challenging World Leaders

With 100% of global warming accounted to human activity and climatic changes estimated to cause 150,000 deaths annually, we must take responsibility for how our actions impact the plant. Over the year…

3 Reasons Why Sustainability Drives Business Success

Sustainability has become one of the key topics of the 21st century. However, this subject is not a short-lived buzzword, it is a glimpse into the future of corporate profitability and consumer relati…

Interview: Felicity Aston – Part of First All-Female British Expedition Across Greenland

As part of the first all-female British expedition across Greenland, Felicity Aston has witnessed the impact climate change has had on our planet. Spurred on by her passion for sustainability, she is …

Eco-Quiz: How Sustainable is Your Business?

Ever wondered how sustainable your business truly is, and what more you can do to reduce carbon emissions? Complete our eco-quiz below and find out whether your business meets consumer expectations…

Interview: Victoria Humphries – Guinness World Record Breaking Polar Explorer

As part of the first all-female expedition to the North Pole, Victoria Humphries gained a unique understanding of climate change and how it has progressed over time. This experience makes her a powerf…

The Top 20 Sustainability Speakers Trending in the World – Official List

With greenhouse gases expected to increase the Earth's temperature by a staggering 4.4°C by the end of the century, the debate surrounding sustainability and climate change surges on. At the forefront…